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Grammir-2016: The last count. Preverting Final Fantasy XV

All the most important and interesting from the exhibition "Gamery-2016"

In August, we went to the Gamescom 2016 exhibition, as a result of which we talked about impressions from Final Fantasy XV. The new part of the cult series is about to go “for gold”: less than two months are left before the release of the game.

In November, ten and a half years from the moment of the announcement of the game on E3 2006 will hit! During this time, the future Final Fantasy XV was mired in a production chaos: she changed the name, concept, platform, game engine, partially plot and even leader. Hajime Tabata occupied the “Expressor” chair of Tetsui, thanks to which the development was removed from a suspended state and continued at a confident pace.

Final Fantasy XV in the movie

Two months-the deadline is short, but if someone is no longer to immerse yourself in the world of Final Fantasy XV, you can do this with a short anime series Brotherhood And a full -length film KingsGlave.

Brotherhood does not bear any significance for the main plot of the series, but Kingsglaive, although not obligatory to watch, shows several important events preceding the plot of the game. And in the film the best computer animation today.

On " Gamomir " The game was represented by the company "SoftKlab". We will immediately answer the question about the quality of localization. For an hour spent in the Final Fantasy XV, we did not notice stupid mistakes, nor divets, or other typical problems of Russian localizations.

SoftKlab already has experience with working with Dissidia: Final Fantasy for PSP, so you can not worry about localization. The most pleasing not even the quality of the work done, but the fact that the translators did not touch the name of objects in the inventory. You will not see any "fall of the phoenix" instead.

Dawngrays will not pass!

In August, Tabata announced the transfer of the release from September to the end of November, noting that this will allow developers to polish the game and save the players from the need to download a huge patch of “first day”. Evil languages ​​immediately said that the authors would “cut” the schedule, but so far it is not worth blaming the creators of Dawngrade.

In September, the Tokyo Game Show exhibition was held, then information about the support of the PS4 Pro was confirmed at the start of the game. Apparently, the work on the patch did not stand still, and the developers achieved changes in the schedule in less than a month. It is now known that the release version was seriously improved in places, in comparison with the demo version Final Fantasy XV : Episode Duscae , And in some ways, on the contrary, they worsened slightly. How much more pleasant Final Fantasy XV will look at the same PS4 Pro, while it remains a mystery.

► in the version shown on TGS 2016 (lower frame), the Knocks corrected the noktis.

On the Gamere managed to play the Xbox One version, which caused very conflicting sensations. On the one hand, the frequency of personnel is held at an acceptable level. There were no noticeable drawdowns even during the battle with the boss or crowd of opponents. Apparently, Square Enix took into account experience with the braking out of the blue Final Fantasy XV : Episode Duscae , And this cannot but rejoice.

► The Devil, as you know, in the little things. Upper Screenshot – PS4, E3 2016 (June). Lower – PS 4, TGS 2016 (September). What happened to the hills behind the heroes?

On the other hand, a reduced range of landscape drawing, a small amount of vegetation and unevenly loading textures are striking.

Judging by advertising materials, Final Fantasy XV is rich in beautiful and diverse landscapes, majestic cities and interesting design. But already in the starting location you are overtaken by a slight disappointment. NPC sometimes arise directly from the void, and some objects are overgrown with small details under the nose of the characters.

So it turns out that muddy textures are dissonated in the distance with a bright and juicy picture near. There were no such problems in trailers and demo versions, so maybe the version for Xbox One was simplified for the release.

► In the graphic plan, the release version looks better than the Episode Duscae demo (upper screenshot). The lower screenshot (regular PS4) is presented on September 30 at the next Active Event by Square Enix.

Another problem is long (albeit rare) downloads. But the characters are still magnificent models. All this lubricates the impression of the technical side of Final Fantasy XV. We hope that the game will save the game from these shortcomings, and positive points, on the contrary, will save.

Single -button riot

Obviously, the apple of discord among the players will not be a graph at all, but a combat system. Perhaps this is the most controversial moment in Final Fantasy XV. Tabata never hid that the battles (and the lion's share of the mechanic in the game) are simplified compared to what happened in the past license plates of the series. The move is clear, because you need to attract new players. Step -by -step battles are sent to a landfill of history, but is it forever – time will tell.

The fact is that the fighting system in the Final Fantasy XV is disappointed not because of its "single-bloodiness", but because of the almost complete absence of a tactical component. Private battle passes one scenario: four heroes run up to the crowd of small opponents, and the lasting booth begins, during which it is only necessary to burn one single button.

Boredom dashes from one enemy to another and a rare change of weapon (a knocktis can use both huge swords and firearms).

► hit four times and quickly dodge the attack – on this tactic a majority of battles with the thick -skinned creatures of the World of Final Fantasy XV were built.

Tactical thinking can be shown in battles with bosses. Here it will not work out just hammering by the button: rifts, attacks from a height or out of shelters are used. Noktis has a real need for teleportation and helping comrades: they play the role of baits perfectly and distract especially formidable opponents.

► A good example of a comrade as a "bait".

Another controversial moment is partial regeneration of life and mana. If the hero leaves the battlefield for a while, then his health and magical power begin to slowly recover. This allows you to forget about the "first -aid kits" during battles with ordinary enemies – it is much easier to climb higher using teleportation and lick the wounds.

In general, once again, the gameplay once again has the right to life, but the long-standing fans of the series will get used to it for a long time (if they ever get used to it).

A little more controversial points

Side tasks are a significant way of additional earnings. There is no doubt that there will be interesting quests in the game, but so far the developers show only tasks in the spirit of “Give-Brind”, “run away and save someone” and so on.

There are also contracts for the destruction of harmful monsters, but the topic is not new, and it was much more interesting in Final Fantasy XII.

► This Simplega-Local JJ Binx.

Almost every part of Final Fantasy has a character annoying players with their behavior and character. And Final Fantasy XV has not changed traditions. The local talker Prompto managed to “get” everyone who played Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae.

The fact is that Promto is a photographer. And very bad, I must say. During peaceful scenes, one can evaluate his work, and there are “littered horizons”, “back-focus”, pieces of characters (half a head or part of the body) and other “diseases” of a novice photographer.

Fortunately, Tabata promised to add the usual photo mode to the game.

► Ignis's skill is the most intelligent in the game. Slunks flow from the hero’s sheaters, and the food itself is very realistic.

Another important question: is it possible to trust tobate in relation to the plot? With his arrival under the knife, the whole old tie went, the design of several characters changed, and the interesting heroine Stella turned into Princess Luna.

If you familiarize yourself with the track record of the tobata and focus on the games, during the development of which he held a leading position, anxiety arises for the plot of the Final Fantasy XV. Final Fantasy Type -0 And Crisis Core : Final Fantasy VII crowded with stupid pathos and giant "pianos in the bushes", not at all going to the plot for the benefit. About the mockery of the series Parasite Eve , In the face The 3 RD Birthday , I don't even want to say.

And behind all these games stood a tobat ..

* * *

If you are waiting for the perfect Final Fantasy, it is better to reduce the level of expectations, otherwise a new game can simply disappoint. This also applies to fans of the series (first of all), and beginners. But I am glad that all these ten years the game has actively changed, but it has retained the main thing: it is still Final Fantasy, albeit simplified in places.

All the most important and interesting from the exhibition "Gamery-2016"