Technical characteristics
Acoustic type: 2.1
Power: 2x 9 W (satellites) + 35 W (subwoofer)
Frequency range: 55 – 18,000 Hz
Signal ratio/noise: at least 85 dB
Satellite dynamics: 3/4 inches + 3 inches
Sabwuofer speaker: 6.5 inches
Entrances: RCA, 3.5 mm Jack, S/PDIF (optical)
Exits: 3.5 mm jack (headphones)
Additionally: remote control, external amplifier
Settlelite sizes: 13x9x18 cm
Sabwuofer sizes: 28.8×23.2×24.2 cm
The size of the amplifier: 25×7.8×25.5 cm
Total weight: 7.8 kg
Price for August 2013: 4500 rubles
Strange, but if for the computer the purchase of high -quality columns is almost a good tone rule, then the consoles are rarely spoiled by them – the vast majority costs the speakers built into the TV. And in vain, because the consoles have excellent audio surveys and bang in some GEARS of War, they may not be childish. Moreover, a lot of money will not go for this, the main thing is to choose the right acoustics. How to do this, we will figure it out for example 2.1-set of Edifier C2xd.
The obvious incredible
You will laugh, but one of the main problems when choosing a TV acoustics is the appearance. It is really possible to throw any box with a pair of speakers next to the computer, and it will not spoil the not -so -comfortable atmosphere of the home office. You can create this in the living room if you are an avid bachelor and did not care about your nesting coziness. In a different situation, protests of loved ones, quarrels and other family joys are guaranteed. In general, you have to select the kit, as they say, "in the subject". In the case of C2xd, the speakers will fit into almost any interior, except for the particularly pretentious Empire, Gothic and such design ideas.
The amplification unit is similar to the restyled Xbox 360. Form-a la Propeller. The main color is black, only in the center silver edging and a control twist. Materials – matte plastic, glossy insert covering the display, and rubber, launched by three buttons above the puck in the middle.
The remaining components are designed in the same style. Satellites – rectangular, covered with a protective net and complemented on top of a silver cone with an inserted twitter. A thick tile of MDF went to the manufacture of the buildings themselves. The subwoofer is also made from it: a cube, the front part of which is tightened with matter and decorated with a metallized belt with the manufacturer's logo.
The dimensions of a low -frequency is quite within the rational, 29x23x24 cm. The same with satellites, in width – 9 cm, in height – 13 cm. In general, finding a place under the speakers will not be difficult, another thing is to arrange them correctly.
The ruler in hand
Placing acoustics near the plasma panel is much more difficult than next to the computer. In the latter case, you usually throw the speakers closer to the monitor, turn them over a little and get a decent sound. Simplicity is associated with a small distance between the speakers and ears: the wave does not have time to dissolve in the air and reaches NC almost in its original form. This does not roll this with the TV.
We are sitting from the panel at a distance of about one and a half to two meters, and this is enough for high frequencies to break through their business, and positioning goes by the forest. Therefore, for TV it is customary to choose large loudspeakers who can create sufficient pressure and not get lost on the way to the listener. However, such specimens are expensive, and there is often nowhere to put them. No need to despair, can be able to really and with small forces.
So that the sound does not fly into the void, it is recommended to arrange satellites at the level of the ears. The easiest way is to hang them on the wall on the sides of the TV, but in C2xd, for this you will have to drill a rear piece of MDF, which is unacceptable for many. In return, you can either come up with some stands (for example, decorative shelves), or tilt the housings so that the twitters look clearly at you.
Regarding the dispers of the speakers and their directions, then according to Feng Shui, everyone should be turned to the listener at an angle of 30 degrees, and the distance between them is required to equal the meter from you to the screen. It looks simple in words, but we, although journalists, are also living people, so let's say so: with multimedia acoustics we must be easier. Plow the sofa, pick up the joystick, start the game and ask someone to twist the speakers around your axis. How to hear the perfect option for yourself – remember and fix the position of the speakers.
By the way, the low -frequency of such complex manipulations will not require. Physics of frequencies reproduced by him allows you to throw a subwoole in any corner of the room.
Having dealt with dimensions and arrangement, let's move on to connection. Let's start with a simple one, namely with the wiring of the acoustics itself. Before giving the manufacturer your bloody, you need to find out how long the cable lengths connect all the components of the kit. As a rule, manufacturers forget to indicate this parameter in the characteristics, so you will have to measure right in the store, or, when buying on the Internet, actively wool forums and look for reviews of the owners.
If complete cables are less than one and a half meters, it is contraindicated to take such a model: you will either independently increase the wires, or refuse to install the correct installation. In C2xd, by the way, the cables for satellites were wrapped 2.3 meters, enough for any occasion.
Another important nuance is the number of inputs for connecting sound sources. It would seem stupid: there is a 3.5 mm jack, and normal. But not everything is so simple. Когда вокруг ТВ появляется пара консолей, HTPC, какой-нибудь MP3-плеер, их надо куда-то подключать. This problem has many solutions.
The most logical is the purchase of a receiver, it will cost it expensive (from 10,000 rubles), but it will combine your devices into a network with a single control and save you from endless wire switches. Another option is directly a TV. As a rule, all modern models have access to external acoustics, and sometimes even an optical connector is found. True, there is one “but” here: the number of inputs is very limited in cheap panels, and the built -in audio card leaves much to be desired and greatly spoils the final sound quality. In this regard, it is better to withdraw from the sources directly, which means to look for speakers with the maximum number of contacts.
C2xd is not so much, but for a start enough: two analog (3.5 mm Jack and RCA) and one optical S/PDIF. The former will be an excellent choice for the output of the sound from the TV and the MP3 player, but the second will be the main option for working with consoles. When using it, the prefixes themselves will calculate the position of the sources and put the finished signal on the speakers using a high-quality 24-bit DAC installed by Edifier to decrypt it.
Well, the last thing to remember is the presence of the remote control. Without it, it is better not to take television acoustics. Not all TV, not to mention the consoles, know how to adjust the volume of external rubies, and run every time on the task of reduce/add sound – then still pleasure.
With C2xd this does not have to do this, the remote control, although simple, but deftly controls all the functions of the set, can configure the level of bass, medium frequencies, switch sources and, of course, twist the volume. However, without minuses, the lazy person did not cost – it is too small, in three months of testing we lost her times six times, one of which dragged on for two weeks.
By the sound of a column for TV, you need to choose almost more thoroughly than for a computer. Drill here is. Very rudely "living" acoustics can be divided into two types.
The first – with embellished with a powerful feed and in -depth bass. This is ideal for games: any virtual shot will make your neighbors think about a call to the appropriate organs, and the district police officer will look at the night race at the Gears of War, and not to make you a company. In general, this option gives a mass of impressions, but it is impossible to listen to it for a long time – in a couple of hours an endless hollow will finish not only loved ones, but also yourself.
The second type is "Salby columns". With a verified sound, without excesses. This is the acoustics that will become the main for games, and for TV/films, and for music.
C2xd, like all Edifier products, belongs to the second category. To the best of their capabilities, the dynamics try to maintain the purity of the signal, do not sculpt the gag and without overloading the tract with excessive strokes. That is, the announcers broadcasting about events in the world, actors who voiced game characters, and the heroes of their favorite series speak as planned by sound engineers, and not massively mush under Chaliapin, which usually happens with the first type. At the same time, C2xd is able to give the heat where you need. Shots/explosions/rumbling of engines – everything is perceived vividly and, most importantly, naturally, so that, passing the Last of Us, we could not understand where the sound comes from the car, from the street or from the columns.
Does not fail C2xd and in music. Guitars, vocals – close to the ideal. There are failures exclusively in the bass component. The dimensions of the subwoofer and the 6.5-inch dynamics are clearly not enough to transmit the elasticity of the same double bass or drum. However, in order to shake the sofa well or, together with neighbors, listen to Metallica, the C2XD has enough strength. At full volume, she can arrange in your apartment a local branch of the Olympic SK during the arrival of Linkin Park. Moreover, we must pay tribute, without any wheezing and cod.
As you can see, finding competent acoustics for the console and TV is not an easy task. It is necessary to deal with the appearance, prepare a place for installation, not miss the length of the wires, the presence of the remote control and the type of sound. But it’s worth it: it is enough to play at least once in The Last of Us or Tomb Raider with a high-quality soil, and you will never return to TV-dynamics again, no matter how good they may be.
As for our today's example, there are almost no complaints about C2xd. We did not like only a too small remote control and the absence of wall mounts in satellites. Otherwise, everything corresponds to the price: good materials worthy of opportunities and pleasant sound.
pleasant appearance
Long wires
Convenient management
Pure sound
There are no wall mounts
very small remote control